Only Time Will Tell

Tac gia: Chua Biet
Only time will tell the way that it goes
you must never know the way it flows
whether we will see another day
I know I'll survive the game that you play
I lived inside your empty walls
you took my souls u took it all
I never dream that you would be
so torn apart in misery
but I'm strong stronger than you know
and I've learned learned to let you go

Only time will tell the way that it goes
you just never the way it flows
whether we will see another day
I know I'll survive the game that you play
All my dreams are blowing into the wind
I just go to find my wings again
life is full of endless miseries
only time will tell the way it'll be

The little girl you'd always see is
just a distant memory
you left me hanging by a string
but I let go and now I'm free
only my way to a different place
gotta face, face another day

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