Blue Sky Action

Tac gia: Chua Biet
I get tired of life
What a world I'm living in
Now I've got it all
Been enough, I'm giving in

The sun is shining, melting the clouds away
Got me some blue sky action
I'm breathing today
I know I'm burning, this is my final day
I'm gonna go out smiling
A king for a day

Stuck in this toxic town
Really takes my breath away
It's either leave or drown
The blue sky getaway
The sun is shining, melting the clouds away
Got me some blue sky action
I'm breathing today
I know I'm burning, this is my final day
I'm gonna go out smiling
A king for a day

A king for a day

A king for a day

The sun is shining, melting the clouds away
Got me some blue sky action
I'm breathing today
I know I'm burning, this is my final day
I'm gonna go out smiling
A king for a day
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