Everybody Has A Choice

Tac gia: Ha Okio
Dung lo lang, dem qua di ngay lai nang
Nhung khong nen cho may man se hien ra
Giong nhu nguoi ta van mo.

Phai co gang, di tren con duong chien thang
Qua chong gai minh se lon len tung ngay
Va se dang rong canh bay
Vi xung quanh ta luon phan dau
Va thoi gian troi di qua cu the co cho ai dau.

Everybody has anh choice
Everybody has anh choice
You can do what you wanna do
For free to choose what's best for you.

Everybody has anh choice
Everybody has anh choice
All the choices you made yesterday
Those make you become who you are today.

Hay vuon toi khi ta di vao ngay moi
Tuong lai dang mo rong loi di dum ta
Neu nhu ai nhan ra
Dieu gian kho, cho ta them nhieu gan bo.

Khi chung tay la se co them nhieu ngay
Yeu thuong trong tam tay
Vi xung quanh ta luon phan dau
Va thoi gian troi di qua cu the co cho ai dau.

Everybody has anh choice
Everybody has anh choice
You can do what you wanna do
For free to choose what's best for you.

Everybody has anh choice
Everybody has anh choice
All the choices you made yesterday
Those make you become who you are today.

Everybody has anh choice
Everybody has anh choice
You can do what you wanna do
For free to choose what's best for you.

Everybody has anh choice
Everybody has anh choice
All the choices you made yesterday
Those make you become who you are today.

Everybody has anh choice
Everybody has anh choice
You can do what you wanna do
For free to choose what's best for you.

Everybody has anh choice
Everybody has anh choice
All the choices you made yesterday
Those make you become who you are today.
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