Chemical Rush

Chess game, I'm the pawn
You're the queen, I'm the throne
Take me out tonight.

Make your move, pick and choose
Anywhere I'm gonna lose
Give it to me black or white.

Feel it coming on
Like a pulse in my head
Sending chills right through my bones
Keep coming on strong
An external emotion
I'm waiting to implode.

You give me a rush
A chemical rush
A chain reaction is taking me
You give me a rush
I can't get enough
Of your chemical rush.

Push the buttons
Flick the lights on in my head
A vision's of you and I
You read me like a letter
Oh girl you make me st-stutter
With your magic i'll be hypnotized.

Feel it coming on
Like a pulse in my head
Sending chills right through my bones
Keep coming on strong
An external emotion
I'm waiting to implode.

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