Look Ma, No Hands

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
I'll take a rainy day
To make a champagne shower
Poach some horn and tusk
To build an ivory tower.

Been to Philadelphia
The day it was closed
I walked to New Orleans
Down a Louisiana road.

The skeletons they hung from the bushes and the trees
But not a skull among 'em said boo to me
In a time of wine and cheap cigars
I'm on top of the world
Top of the world Ma.

Look Ma no hands
Look Ma ain't life grand
I'm a super power, I'm a handy man
Didn't I turn out, didn't I turn out to be
Everything you wanted Ma
Ain't you proud of me.

It takes a silver tongue
To have the Midas touch
Not your alchemist
Making gold from rust.

Been down in Roswell
When the Martians came
I sailed to Mandeville
Across Lake Pontchartrain.
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