Drinkin' Song

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Believe me when I say I'm drunk as shit
I'm in this strange place again
Everyone's yelling and'll never admit
They're Drunk and not to blame.

In this tavern we all came
To drink and forget our shame.

Drink with me
Drink with him
Drink with her
Drink with us.

All those battle
Always alone
I feel the guilt
My strenght is gone
Hearing those groans
From where I come
Where I belong.

With those drinks
I don't feel things
Neither my wounds
That used to burn
Burn to my bones
Burning my soul
The love in me
Is Gone.

Believe me when I say I'm drunk as shit
I'm in this strange place again
Everyone's yelling and'll never admit
They're Drunk and not to blame.

In this tavern we all came
To drink and forget our shame.

Drink with me
Drink with him
Drink with her
Drink with us.
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