
Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
But I can if you like
(Like, like, like).

Ich bin mir absolut klar
Ich trag den Namen Monster
I wish we all could be blind
It become easy
Out there.

I'll take you out tonight
Do whatever you like
Scheiße, scheiße, be mine
Scheiße, be mine
Scheiße, be mine.

Put on a close night
Do whatever you like
Scheiße, scheiße, be mine
Scheiße, be mine
Scheiße, be mine.

I, I, I, I
(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh).

I don't speak German
But I will if you like.

Ich bin mir absolut klar
Ich trag den Namen Monster
I wish we all could be blind
It become easy
Out there.
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