She Said...

Tac gia: Chua Biet
She told me don't worry tonight
Feel this song and stay high
Angel falls from the sky, i know u are
Baby, i love this pain
Feel the rain in my chest
Singing blues in my head
Let's roll the dice (yeah yeah)

Neu ma em di cung voi anh den mot noi xa
Do la noi ma dong tien khong he lam phien duoc ta
Do la luc bo di het uu phien ngay qua
Day la thien duong, den day, cam nhan
(yeah yeah yeah)
Say it say it bae
I'm Wean to da Le
Eenie meenie moe
Em co the cam nhan nhip flow
Cam giac nay den tu dau
Troi ngay mai sang con lau
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Tam hon em xanh gio da nay lua
Co gang tim em o trong be lua
Noi khong the thoat ra do la may mua
Tat den la cach de em thay duoc su day dua
Goi anh la mot tay tai phiet, anh luon la nguoi dung dan
Anh khong phai la mot cay hai viet
Anh khong ngai di tim chien thang
Wean Le went solo
I'm gonna be ur moto
Inspo! yo fo so
Expose ur holo
Expose ur holo
Expose ur holo
(Yeah yeah)

She told me don't worry tonight
Feel this song and stay high
Angel falls from the sky, i know u are
Baby, i love this pain
Feel the rain in my chest
Singing blues in my head
Let's roll the dice

Dung truoc cua nha doi em xuong * ring ring *
Thoi tiet hom nay dep nhu mong muon * ring ring ring *
Bong toi vua du de ta thay nhau
Luc nao gap em ma khong chay dau
Anh nhin thay em qua cua so vang
That xa nhung van nghe duoc mui huong cua nang
La thu anh muon thay luon cho bau khong khi
The gioi cua em chac chan khong nam trong vi
The gioi cua em la nhung vu tru
Danh thuc nhung niem vui con tru ngu
Em dua ta den nhung noi that xa
Quen luon khai niem cua su vat va
Em khien anh quen duong ve e e
Em khien anh...
Em khien anh quen duong ve e e
Em khien anh...
Em khien anh quen duong ve e e
Em khien anh...
Ta dung ngay ben duong le e e
Lam thinh voi nhau!

She said, she said (yeah yeah yeah)
She said, she said (yeah yeah yeah)

She told me don't worry tonight
Feel this song and stay high
Angel falls from the sky, i know u are
Baby, i love this pain
Feel the rain in my chest
Singing blues in my head
Let's roll the dice

She told me don't worry tonight
Feel this song and stay high
Angel falls from the sky, i know u are
Baby, i love this pain
Feel the rain in my chest
Singing blues in my head
Let's roll the dice
(yeah yeah)
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