Teenage Crime

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
We don't sleep when the sun goes down
We don't waste no precious time
All my friends in the loop
Making up for teenage crime.

We don't sleep when the sun goes down
We don't waste no precious time
All my friends in the loop
Making up for teenage crime
Making up for teenage crime (crime, crime, crime)

We don't sleep when the sun goes down
We don't waste no precious time
All my friends in the loop
Making up for teenage crime.

We don't sleep when the sun goes down
We don't waste no precious time
All my friends in the loop
Making up for teenage crime
Making up for teenage crime (crime, crime, crime)

We don't sleep when the sun goes down
We don't waste no precious time
All my friends in the loop
Making up for teenage crime.
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