Beauty & The Beast

Gap nhau giay phut dau
Tuong chung nhu ngang trai
Roi tinh yeu chot den
Giup con tim kho can biet yeu thuong nong nan
Ngai ngung giay phut dau
Nhin nhau sao boi roi
Cho du anh van cho, oi tinh yeu bat ngo
Beauty and the Beast.

Va cuoc doi troi qua
Chi mong sao doi ta
Duoc nhu ngay hom qua
Biet yeu thuong nhau hoai
De luon mai gan nhau.

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise.

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong.

Roi mua xuan da ve
Nang xuan reo khap noi
Diu em di chung buoc
Yeu minh anh suot doi
Di ve noi cuoi troi
Ta mai luon co nhau.

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast.

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