Gravity Grave

Get Back, get back again and again
I've been here since I can remember when
My life is a boat, being blown by you
With nothing ahead, just the deepest blue...

To me you're like a setting sun
You rise then you're gone
To me you're like a setting sun
You rise then you're gone.

Come back, come back again and again
I've been here since I can remember when
The world just spins whilst mine stands still
Nothing's changed in your gravity grave.

To me you're like a setting sun
You rise then you're gone
To me you're like a setting sun
You shine then you're gone.

To me you're like a setting sun
You shine then you're gone
To me you're like a setting sun
You shine then you're gone
Go down on your light
So bright it burns my eyes
Sounds like a perfect way
To end my life
To me you're like a setting sun...
To me you're like a setting sun...
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