I Love How You Love Me

Tac gia: Jimmy Crawford
I love how your eyes close
Whenever you kiss me
And when I'm away from you
I love how you miss me
I love the way you always.

Treat me tenderly
But darlin' most of all
I love how you
I love how your heart beats.

Whenever I hold you
I love how you think of me
Without being told to
I love the way your touch
Is always heavenly.

But darlin' most of all
I love how you
I love the way your touch
Is always heavenly.

But darlin' most of all
I love how you love me
I love how you love me
I love how you tease me.

Squeeze me
Please me tenderly
I love the way your touch
Is always heavenly.

But darlin' most of all
I love how you love me
Love how you love me
Babe love you so much.

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