Whatever You Say

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
You think I'm always makin'
Something out of nothin'
You're sayin' everything's okay.

You've always got an answer
Before I ask the question
Whatever you say.

Now we can change the subject
Pretend I never brought it up
Same old story anyway.

Later we can work it out
Right now you're talked out
Yeah, whatever you say.

Oh I know you can hear me
But I'm not sure you're listening
I hear what you're sayin'
But still there's somthing missin'.

Whether I go, whether I stay
Right now depends on whatever you say.

Say yes you need me
And no, you wouldn't leave me
And that should be enough to make me stay.

And even though I want to
I don't hear "I love you"
In whatever you say.

Oh I know you can hear me
But I'm not sure you're listening
I hear what you're sayin'
But still there's somthing missin'.

Whether I go, whether I stay
Right now depends on whatever you say.

Oh whether I go, whether I stay
Right now depends on whatever you say
Whatever you say, whatever you say.
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