Holding On

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
1. They say patience is a virtue
But I've been waiting too long
I believed in your promises
And, It hurts to see I was wrong
The ' One-more-try's
The sleepless nights
These countless tears that I've cried.

Why should I...

Keep holding on
When we are going no where
When I knew some 1 new
Is holding you
Why should I
Keep holding on
Why, why keep holding on
Gotta let go coz
Love's already gone.

2. Stairways leading down to no where
Roads that never end
Why keep on going round in circles?
To break my heart again
Caressed my hand
And left me there alone
But you don't care...

Why should I....


I used to think that I should blame myself
But it wasn't me who was seeing someone else
It isn't me you've never seen before
As you watching me walk right out this door.


Tell me why do I keep holding on, keep holding on, when love is gone.

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