Don't Abuse

Tac gia: RPT Gonzo
Use. Don’t abuse.
And remember that you always get to choose my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
And pass along when you’re feeling like refuse my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
And remember that you always get to choose my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
And pass along when you’re feeling like refuse my fellas.

Ho bao voi toi ay, cai chat nay no khong gay nghien
Vi ca may nam nay, ho van su dung no moi ngay
Ho bao voi toi ay, la hut vao se khong gay chuyen
Trong cuoc vui hom nay, tat ca su dung tru moi may
Ho bao voi toi ay, loai cay nay no khong gay hai
Dem lai su giai tri, di kem theo nhung suy nghi ngay dai
Ho bao voi toi ay, loai cay nay co the chua ung thu
Xong roi tiep tuc dot no tren duong pho tham chi giua chung cu
Ho bao voi toi tac hai duy nhat la bi giam tri nho
Va de doi lai cai su phe pha do ma bo qua thi la phi qua
No khong gay hai cai phoi may dau, se thay doi cai cach may flow
Ho khong nghe noi track nay lau roi dong mot bi that cang va ti cho
Ho bao rang co may khi de ranh roi ngoi choi voi ban
Ho bao rang ho thich cam giac thu gian va su de me
Ho khong biet rang su thanh thoi doi khi cung co gioi han
Ho khong biet rang cuoc vui cua ho dang keo dai le the, nen la:

Use. Don’t abuse.
And remember that you always get to choose my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
And pass along when you’re feeling like refuse my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
And remember that you always get to choose my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
And pass along when you’re feeling like refuse my fellas.

Khong gay nghien vat ly nhung tai sao tam tri ban bi phu thuoc
Khong lam dung that phi nhung khong su dung tai sao khong chiu duoc
Khong gay chuyen xam xi nhung cung khong giup ban giai quyet kho khan
Bi mat toi bat mi la khong co lam thi cung khong co an
Va luoi bieng bam chat than xac phai theo chan cac te bao than kinh
Dan dan nao bo khong con nhu truoc hoat dong bat cu khi nao can sick
Thu duy nhat ung thu can chua o day la suc manh y chi
Nghe toi noi them mot lan nua, lam chu cuoc song bang ly tri
Vi con duong den hanh phuc luon co chong gai di kem voi do
Toi tin ban se vui ve hon neu khong phai them toi no
Toi tin la khong co no thi thu am nhac nay van get loud
Toi phai noi ra su that cho du dieu do kho chiu biet bao

Use. Don’t abuse.
And remember that you always get to choose
Use. Don’t abuse.
And pass along when you’re feeling like refuse my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
And remember that you always get to choose my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
And pass along when you’re feeling like refuse my fellas.
Use. Don’t abuse.
Use. Don’t abuse.

Toi noi ra thu ma khong ai noi
Toi nghe thay thu ma khong ai nghe
Toi nghe nhung dieu ma khong ai noi
Toi noi rat nhieu ma khong ai nghe
  • Nghe nhac
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