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Somewhere To Go
get up. get up woah
cant get u out of my head
i fly out the window and left all the dreams on my bed
get up. get up woah
cant get u out of my head
everything around is a mess
i, need somewhere to go
need someone to hold
standing in the sun but too cold
du dau, va gian, da han thu ca the gioi nhung chang biet no den tu dau
va day la dau, chang phai la cho anh dat truoc
1 vi thuyen truong cung voi con tau lenh denh tren mat nuoc
anh di bon be nam chau, chang thay dang sau hay dang truoc
anh van tu do, nhung khong co em, nen anh chon cach giai quyet su co don nay bang thuoc la
rat nhieu nang nhung van buot gia
mua oi xin dung tuon ra
mua se xoa het nhung dau vet
va viec con lai cua vu tru nay chi la giau het di
chet di
someone come save me
gave me a tasty drink
dont u let me sink
neu ca ngan ha nay chi nho be nhu long ban tay thi anh can ban tay em lam ve tinh
get up. get up woah
cant get u out of my head
i fly out the window and left all the dreams on my bed
get up. get up woah
cant get u out of my head
everything around is a mess
but yeah, people gotta grow up
khi moi chuyen k con don gian
va khi khong con xuat hien nhung dieu co ban then people gon ruff
anh giau tat ca nhung thu phuc tap vao trong mat
anh tha minh tu do va de bau troi lam cong tac
( get up. get up woah
cant get u out of my head )
''do u miss me?'' yes, but already forgot the past
get up. get up woah
cant get u out of my head
i fly out the window and left all the dreams on my bed
get up. get up woah
cant get u out of my head
everything around is a mess