
Tac gia: Chua Biet
We are young we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See our friends see the sights
Feel alright
We wake up we go out
Smoke a fag put it out
See our friends see the sights
Feel alright
Are we like you
I can't be sure of the scene
As she turns
We are strange in our world
But we are young we get by
Can't go mad ain't got time
Sleep around if we like
But we're alright got some cash bought some wheels
Took it out cross the field
Lost control hit a wall
But we're alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure of the scene
As she turns
We are strange in our world
But we are young we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See our friends see the sights
Feel alright

Are we like you
I can't be sure of the scene
As she turns
We are strange in our world
But we are young we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See our friends see the sights
Feel alright
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