
Tac gia: Chua Biet
Disapointment ohh
You shouldn't have done
You couldn't have done
You wouldn't have done
The things you did then
And we could've been happy
What a piteous thing a hideous thing
Was tainted by the rest
But it won't get any harder
And I hope you'll find your way again
And it won't get any higher
And it all boils down to what you did then
Then then
Then then then
Then then then
In the night we fight
I fled you're right
It was exactly then
It was exactly then
I decided decided decided decide
And I threw you out
In the night we fight
I fled you're right
It was exactly then
It was exactly then
I decided decided decided decided
But it won't be any harder
And I hope you'll find your way again
And it won't get any higher
But it all boils down to what you did then
Then then then
Then then then then
Disappointment disappointment
Disappointment disappointment
Disappointment disappointment
Then then then then
Disappointment disappointment
Disappointment disappointment
Disappointment disappointment
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