Give My Regards To Broadway

Tac gia: Chua Biet
Give me regards to broadway
Remember me at herald Square
Tell all the gang at
Forty second street that
I will soon be there
Whisper of how I'm
Yearnin' to mingle with the old time through
Give my regards to old Broadway and say that
I'll be there long
Give me regards to broadway
Remember me at herald
Tell all the gang at
Forty second streeet that
I will soon be there
Whisper of how I'm
Yearnin' to mingle with the old time through
Give my regards to old Broadway and say that
I'll be there long
Give me regards to broadway
Remember me at herald
Tell all the gang at
Forty second streeet that
I will soon be there
Whisper of how I'm
Yearnin' to mingle with the old time through
Give my regards to old Broadway and say that
I'll be there long
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