
Tac gia: Kings Of Leon
See?? the burn standing in the way
Running down the mountain, and pourin' on a fiery rain
Carry out the pictures, and tell the kids that I'am okay
See I'm not forgotten, remember me for a day.

Aiiiaiiiaiii, I wanna build up your cornerstone

Look at the sadness, slowly seeping from the bone
Everything I cherish, is slowly dying or it's gone
Appreciate your days, and drunkness? seems to follow me
Lets show the stars, now that be a sight to see.

Aiiiaiiiaiii, I wanna build up your cornerstone
Aiiiaiiiaiii, I wanna build up your cornerstone
Aiiiaiiiaiii, I wanna build up your cornerstone

She wants to run
Can you feel it
Wants to run
Can you feel it
Wants to run
Can you feel it.

Wants to run
Can you feel it
Aiiiaiiiaiii, I wanna build up your cornerstone
Aiiiaiiiaiii, I wanna build up your cornerstone
Aiiiaiiiaiii, I wanna build up your cornerstone

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