Valium Skies

Tac gia: Richard Ashcroft
I see houses, rows and rows of red bricks
I see black cars, some blood stained ex's.

I get this feeling that I, Ive been here before
How many lifes will I waste, how many tears must I taste
Before my freedom, ahh.

I see mountains, blood red sunsets
I see a billion stars, (...dunno)

I get this feeling that I, Ive been here before
How many lifes will I waste, how many tears must I taste
Before my freedom, ahh.

I wont be late wont be late.

I get this feeling that I, Ive been here before
How many lifes will I waste, how many tears must I taste
Before my freedom, ahh .
I get this feeling that I, Ive been here before
How many lifes will I waste, how many tears must I taste
Before my freedom, ahh.
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