Hold Me

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Hold me, just hold me please don't ask me where I come from
Oh what I cry these tears
Just hold me, hold me please.

Let me rest in the silence of your embrace
Give me a moment and dont make me explain
Cus all I need, and all I ask for.

Hold me, just hold me please don't ask me where I come from
Oh what I cry these tears
Just hold me, hold me please.

La la la

Let me rest in the silence of your embrace
Cus all I need, and all I ask for
Hold me, hold me please.

Let me rest in the silence of your embrace
Give me a moment and dont make me explain
Cus all I need, and all I ask for.

Hold me, just hold me please don't ask me where I come from
Oh what I cry these tears
Hold me, hold me please.
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