For Those Below

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Helpless she lies across the stairs
Haunting your days consuming your breath
There will be healing but don't force this girl to stand
As she's counting the ceilings with pale voice and trembling hands.

You told me life was long but now that it's gone
You find yourself on top as the leader of the flock
Called to be around for those below.

Whispered notes from the piano in the corner of the room
Hold your throat is that healing that your hearing in her tune
Wanting change but loving her just as she lies
Is the burden of the man who's built his life on love.

You told me life was long but now that it's gone
You find yourself on top as the leader of the flock
Called to be around for those below.

I'll be locked up in a store
In the lavender ward
Cause my mind is just like her's
Just as broken just as crippled just as burned.

And then I find myself on top as the leader of the flock
Called to be around for those below.
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