
Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
I want everything to be perfect
Pick you apart at the seams
Drown you out if I don't wanna hear you
Crush every single one of your dreams.

I'm going under the water it's pulling me down
I can't help myself.

I'm my own worst enemy, enemy, enemy
It'll be the end of me, end of me, end of me.

I wanted to go the distance
I met everything with resistance
I pulled the pin out on the grenade
Burned down everything I had made.

As I struggle in here I see angels near
Can't help myself.

I'm my own worst enemy, enemy, enemy
It'll be the end of me, end of me, end of me
And the coast is clear on me, clear on me, clear on me
I'm my own worst enemy, enemy
I'm an open field.

I put on my armour
Strap on my boots
Look around to see which weapons I'll choose
I'm going for medals, decoration
I'm pulling out from my lonely station.

So I'll call you if I need help
I'll call you if I need help
I'll call you if I need help.

I'm my own worst enemy, enemy, enemy
It'll be the end of me, end of me, end of me
And the coast is clear on me, clear on me, clear on me
I'm my own worst enemy
Enemy in an open field.

Just leave me alone here
Just leave me alone here
Alone here
Just leave me alone.
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