A Spring For Love

Tac gia: Tran Le Quynh
Is there a time for love? Is there a time when we fly way up high
When you are free to say you love me
When a love no one knew will be heard in the world. Is there a time?

There'll be a time for love if you hold my hand
Lay down all your love on the one who loves you
There'll be a time to forget all the fears outside
My freedom now, I give to you.

Is there a time for love? I close my eyes and see you here with me
You lift me up so high I can fly
Now I know I am strong in this world ‘cause you bring the best in me.

There'll be a time for love if you hold my hand
Lay down all your love on the one who loves you
There'll be a time to forget all the fears outside
My freedom now, I give to you.

Someday you don't ask if a bird torn by chains could be heard to sing a song
Somewhere today no man's land will blossom a love so strong
A spring will come for love if you hold my hand
Lay down all your love on the one who loves you
I long for you beyond this world
Our spring will come, I promise you.

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