
Tác giả: Cat Burns
Try calling yesterday but got your voicemail again Rushed over to your uni hall, saw I leave in your place You said you *** up on a night out You drank way too much, you're feeling bad You're trying to figure out how to work your way out Well look at what you've done You said you'd never do You *** it for yourself, this is the end of me and you So don't call here some more anymore Cause I won't be there for you like I was before I should've listened to my friends, they always know best They said you were just like all the rest So I'll sing you loud in case you don't already know Pack up your *** and go Pack up your *** and go You said it was a one time thing You don't know what you were thinking That it didn't mean a thing You promised it won't happen again So when you get *** up on a night out How many times have you played around? Was a fool, didn't see the signs I guess my friends were always right Well look at what you've done You said you'd never do You've done this to yourself, this is the end of me and you So don't call here some more anymore Cause I won't be there for you like I was before I should've listened to my friends, they always know best They said you were just like all the rest So I'll sing you loud in case you don't already know Pack up your *** and go Pack up your *** and go I can't trust you anymore Look what you've done, you've turned this heart cold And I don't know if I can love again But I know for sure we can't be friends This is the end, so don't call this number anymore Cause I won't be there for you like I was before I should've listened to my friends, they always know best They said you were just like all the rest So I'll sing you loud in case you don't already know Pack up your *** and go I should've listened to my friends, they always know best I'll sing you loud in case you don't already know Pack up your *** and go
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