
Tac gia: Chua Biet
Everyday my papa would work
To help to make ends meet
To see that we would eat
Keep those shoes upon my feet
Every night my papa would take
And tuck me in my bed
Kiss me on my head
After all the prayers were said

Growing up with him was easy
Time just flew on by
The years began to fly
He aged and so did I

I could tell
That mama wasn't well
Papa knew and deep down so did she
So did she
When she died
My papa broke down and cried
All he said was, "God, why not take me?"

Every night he sat there sleeping
In his rocking chair
He never went upstairs
All because she wasn't there

Then one day my papa said,
"Son, I'm proud the way you've grown.
Make it on your own. Oh, I'll be O.K. alone."

Every time I kiss my children
Papa's words ring true
"Your children live through you.
They'll grow and leave you, too"
I remember every word
My papa used to say
I live them everyday
He taught me well that way

Every night my papa would take
And tuck me in my bed
Kiss me on my head
When my prayers were said
Every night my papa would take
And tuck me in my bed
Tuck me in my bed
After my prayers were said .

Loi bai hat PaPa
1. Nho nhung nam xa xua ngay toi be dai co cha me yeu
Nho den nam xua con be dem dem ve cha hon tran con
Mai khac ghi trong tim tinh thuong cua nguoi biet bao sau lo
Nhung kho khan trong cuoc song cha kien cuong khong than van chi
Song voi cha em nhu lan may trang doi van troi nhe troi
Nhung thang nam qua lang le cha ben me, ben con dau yeu.

Mot ngay kia me toi trong con hap hoi
Cha keu than don dau trong tim hai nguoi xa lia nhau
Me roi xa lam tim cha toi tan nat
Voi nuoc mat tiec thuong the gian sau vuong.

2. Nho moi dem cha toi ngoi tren ghe buon nho thuong me toi
Voi noi co don lang le khong bao gio voi trong day tim
Nhung thang nam troi qua gio toi truong thanh voi bao tinh thuong
Den luc toi ra doi song cha mim cuoi khuyen toi song nen.

Trong doi toi thi cha tua thien than on cha nhu Thai Son
Roi khi toi vui voi con, toi nho va thuong nguoi hon
Khi doi toi gap bao buon lo loi cha luon luon ghi sau
Cho toi qua bao kho khan, cho toi nhieu kien cuong hon.
  • Nghe nhac

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Nguoi dang: Loi Bai Hat (Lyric)
Nguoi sua: Bằng Lăng Tím
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