Bill Bailey

Tac gia: Chua Biet
Won't you come home
Bill Bailey
Won't you come home
I cried the whole night long
I'll do the
Cooking honey
I'll pay the rent
You know
I've done you wrong remember that
Rainy evenin'
I've thrown you out
With nothin' but your fine tooth comb
Well I know that I'm to blame
Ain't that a shame
Bill Bailey won't you come home
Bill Bailey
Won't you come home
I cried the whole night long
I'll do the
Cooking honey
I'll pay the rent
You know I done you wrong remember that
Rainy evenin'
I've thrown you out
With nothin'
But your fine tooth comb
Well I know that I'm
To blame
Ain't that a shame
Bill Bailey won't you come home
Bill Bailey
Won't you come home
I cried the whole
Night long
I'll do the
Cooking honey
I'll pay the rent
You know
I done You wrong remember that
Rainy evenin'
I've thrown you out
With nothin'
But your fine tooth comb
Well I know that I'm to blame
Ain't that a shame
Bill Bailey
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