Autumn Night

I said lost little girl where did you come form
did you lose your heart tonight
I said lost little girl do you feel all right
tell me why you're so alone.
Is it something in the night
makes you go out on your own?
I know life just isn't right
don't give up this Autumn night

Autumn wind will be breezing through the night
it wil take your pain away
Autumn moon will be shining through the sky
Everything will be okay.
Cause the leaves are forever changing and the world will forever turn
nothing stays like this forever
Autumn nights.

Listen lost little girl don't you cry no more
let me wipe your tears away
hear me, lost little girl you are not alone
everybody feels the same
it's just something in the night
makes you feel so all alone.
I know life just isn't right
don't give up on this Autumn night.
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