Man Of 1,000 Faces

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
I walk the streets by day
I never know quite what to say
It doesn't matter anyway Man of 1000 faces, man of 1000 faces
Man of 1000 faces, who's the man? For years I've lived inside my dreams
Somehow I've made them real, it seems
I made my own rules, because I am a Man of 1000 faces, man of 1000 faces
Man of 1000 faces, who's the man? I can put on any face
You all know me, but it's no disgrace
The king of night, he understands Man of 1000 faces, man of 1000 faces
Man of 1000 faces, who's the man? Who's the man of 1000 faces? Who's the man of 1000 faces?
Who's the man of 1000 faces? Who's the man? I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
I'm the man of 1000 faces, I'm the man of 1000 faces
I'm the man of 1000 faces, I'm the man
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
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