Bad Boys

Tac gia: Touliver
Flow cua tao va tay cua Touliver la thu may muon
Cali K, Purp Haze, thu do tao cuon
Hennesy no mix, thu do tao uong
ko cao, nhung muon thay hater thi tao chi can nhin xuong
Too fresh, im too bad, tui no muon tao chet di Tupac
may la bac hoc hay la rap hoc tao van coi tui may giong nhu rac
That midside still reppin
Where the fuc from young
Double S straight swagin
GVR too the top
Bad chick I got her legs on my neck
Grifa, couple of joints in my sack
OV they throw me “2” like that
Hi Haters ur still on my back
Noi ne Tao thi rat hien
Vua co duyen nhin biet lien vay nen
May dung co dien vo kiem chuyen vay rat phien
Boi vi Tao ko co care may co tien hay co quyen
Hay noi tieng nhu be Huyen Anh,
Thi cung dung co phien anh,
khi tao dang cung voi SpaceBoy roking this beat
Lets go.

Let'em kno Touliver mofo bad
Let'em kno GVR mofo bad
Let'em kno SpaceSpeakers mofo bad
Let'em kno underground we're still the best (x2).

GATO put that shiet in ur ringtone
Wtf u talkin bout this aint no friend zone
All yall wack mofo wanna hate on
Coz im shinin too hard, get ur shade on
Nhac tao van chay trong dau may nhu la melody cua Justatee
Tao stay real, live real, tui may song ao, fantasy
underground hay overground deu dung tim de viet nhac
co 1 su khac biet nhe giua viet cho nguoi than va viet ban
nhung tom lai cung chi vi dam me
mac ke may loi may khen che
ngoi o nha, noi thi de
sao may ko lam? Hay la ko the? Khoan
Tao ko song = bang nhac rap, but all of my homies do
Go hard ca mua he,tao van chua dung, da la mua thu
1 time fo trai thu do
1 time fo southsider
1 time for HighlandBoiz
GL wats good homes
RIP Wanbi
Nguoi tot thi thuong som ra di
May thang xau luc nao no cung o lai
Dai oi la dai, dai oi la dai
Tao rat ghet mau xanh nhung tao luon yeu hoa binh
Neu may ghet tao thi tranh, sao phai ngoi do ma rinh
Neu tui may van thich chien tranh, nhao vo day tao 1 minh
Chi can beat len va ti co vay la du cho may nin
Double S where u at we u at that's how we do this shit..

Let'em kno Touliver mofo bad
Let'em kno GVR mofo bad
Let'em kno SpaceSpeakers mofo bad
Let'em kno underground we're still the best (x2).
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